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Affordable housing is vital to creating a vibrant, healthy, and successful community. By partnering with Habitat for Humanity Northern Utah, you will be building the foundations that make it possible for individuals and families to grow, achieve their goals and prosper.

One of our Habitat Homeowners recently told us: "Since becoming a homeowner, I have gained the confidence to change jobs, to have a real career.  I look at myself with respect and esteem now, thanks to Habitat!"

Together we can create a world where everyone has a decent and affordable place to live and a thriving community.


**Online donations are processed safely and securely through Charity Proud.**


Become a Monthly Donor

$5.00 doesn't seem like much, it's almost inconsequential.  But, can $5.00 make a difference?  We believe it can. 

For example...

You sign up to donate $5.00 a month, it's quick, easy, and painless.  Scheduled monthly donations are taken out of your account automatically, and before you know it, your donation has turned into $60.00 over the course of a year.  It may still seem small, but it's a donation that we can count on to help us make affordable housing available for more of our neighbors in Northern Utah. 

Now just imagine if 10 people signed up to donate $5.00 monthly, it would add up to $600.00 a year;  100 monthly donors would equal $6000.00 a year- a huge impact for safe, reliable and affordable housing in our community. Whether you donate $5.00 or $100.00 a month, it will make a difference. When we work together, great things can happen. 

**Online donations are processed safely and securely through Charity Proud.**

While it may seem small, the ripple effects of small things is extraordinary.

-Matt Bevin


Support Our Fundraisers

Please join us in supporting our community by attending our Parking Lot Sale held every summer or our Raise the Roof Gala held every November.


Over the years, these events have become a tradition of generosity and support in our community, and we hope to see you there!

Your support allows us to continue to provide safe, decent, and affordable housing for those who need it most. Over the last 42 years, we have seen how owning a home has blessed families in our community. Our homeowners have shared stories of confidence gained, community cherished, generations inspired, and dreams realized. Through them, we have learned why home matters and it is an honor to help families in our community achieve the goal of homeownership.


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111 E Forest St. Suite A

Brigham City, UT 84302

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm

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