Everyone Deserves a
Decent Place To Live
We Can Help
Habitat for Humanity Northern Utah wants to help your family move out of housing that doesn't meet your needs and into a home that is safe, decent, and affordable.
We will provide you with the coaching, education, and support needed to help you achieve your dream of homeownership.
We also believe that helping homeowners with exterior preservation, weatherization, and critical home repairs is part of the solution. Our repair program helps local homeowners with the repairs they need.
Keep reading to find out more about each program...

Homeowner Criteria
Homeowners are selected by a volunteer-ran homeowner selection committee based on three qualifications:
1. Your need for Housing. Is where you live safe? Are you experiencing overcrowding? Is your monthly payment affordable?
2. Your willingness to partner with Habitat for Humanity Northern Utah. This includes things like good communication, being willing to participate, attending homeownership training courses, and each adult applicant finishing 250 sweat equity hours before moving in.
3. Your ability to pay. We look at all income from everyone 18 and older who will be living in the home. Habitat homeowners are expected to pay an affordable mortgage, that is no more than 30% of your gross monthly income.
More information will be provided as you begin the application process for the homeownership program. If you have any questions, please call our office at 435-723-7133 or email us at habitat@hfhfnu.com.
Ask yourself these questions to know if you are ready to begin your journey as a Habitat homeowner:
Can I afford a mortgage payment of up to 30% of my gross monthly income?
Do I have six months of steady, verifiable income?
Do I have one year of good rental history?
Do I have no non-medical collection debt?
Has it been at least two years since bankruptcy or foreclosure was completed?
Do I have any unpaid judgments?
Can I pass a criminal background and sex offender check?
Can I pay a minimum of $1000.00 for closing costs at or before closing?
Do I meet the income guidelines for family size?

Homeowner Program Application
Applications for our Homeowner Program are closed.
Please fill out the form found through the link below to be notified when applications are open. For more information or assistance, please call our office at 435-723-7133 or email us habitat@hfhnu.com.

Repair Program Criteria
Our repair program works the same as our homeownership program. When feasible, homeowners work alongside volunteers and professionals to compete the project. Then, pay a no-interest loan with affordable payments based on household income.
Before applying for a repair, please consider the following:
You must own and live in the home that needs repair. Home must be on a foundation.
You must provide proof of residency, current paystubs, and proof of ownership. Other documentation may be requested.
Review the chart below to see if you meet the required income guidelines.

Repair Program
Interest Form

Please fill out the form below or click here to receive more information about applying to our Repair Program.